College Counseling

Standardized Test Prep

坐/行为 Preparation

Westminster School offers options for 坐 and 行为 preparation. 喜欢个人或小组考试准备的学生被邀请通过Zoom或在校园与教育工作者远程会面 维姬好 or 斯图雷丁. These seasoned educators provide highly individualized, 在整个学年中提供一对一的考试准备辅导和小组坐和行为准备课程. You can read more about them below. 

Individual or Small Group 行为 and Verbal 坐 Preparation

在校园里,一对一的坐和行为辅导将贯穿整个学年 in an effort to best serve the needs of Westminster students. 这些高度个性化的教程以策略和技能发展为目标,同时考虑到优势, 弱点, and learning preferences of individuals. 对于想要将考试成绩提升到下一个水平的各种能力的学生,推荐辅导课.
Instruction is provided by 维姬好, 一位受人尊敬的当地教育家,有多年为学生准备P坐考试的经验, 坐, 行为, and AP® assessments. 夫人. Saucier拥有教育学学士学位和英语硕士学位,并为威斯敏斯特大学的学生提供个性化指导超过19年. 她熟悉威斯敏斯特学生的天赋,也熟悉我们严格的学术和课外安排.
辅导课安排在方便的个别学生在自由块, 放学后, or during evening study hall. 有关考试准备教程的费用和注册信息,请联系 vsaucier@fc-daudenzell.com.

Individual Math 坐 and 行为 Preparation

Mathematics skills for the 坐 and 行为 will be taught by 斯图雷丁, a well-respected local educator, who has many years of experience preparing students for the 坐, 行为, 坐-Subject Test, 美联社®考试, S坐 and P坐 assessments. 优化学生在坐和行为考试中的能力需要内容知识和应试策略的结合. 斯图是唯一有资格提供指令涵盖这两个领域. He has worked with Westminster students for the past nine years.
In order to focus on the needs of each student, preparation will be provided via one-on-one instruction. Individual tutoring offers a more “surgical” approach, 哪个能更好地确定每个学生的独特需求领域,并专注于学生需要提高的主题和技能. 会话, which are normally one hour in length, are scheduled during free blocks, 放学后, during study hall and on weekends, at the convenience of each student. 由于对冠状病毒的担忧,所有教学将远程进行,直至另行通知.
斯图获得了数学专业教育工作者的认证, grades seven through 12, in the State of Connecticut. 他还获得了“BEST”(初级教育支持和培训)认证,并被康涅狄格州确定为“高素质”. 斯图的正规教育背景包括土木工程学士学位, 工商管理硕士学位和康涅狄格州7至12年级教师证书. Stu is also a professional engineer. He has been teaching and tutoring since 2005, 在工程和建筑行业工作了20年之后,改变了职业. Stu has lived in this area for the past 30 years. 他曾在法明顿谷学院蒙特梭利学校担任中学数学老师,并在哈特福德大学担任数学兼职教授. 他熟悉各种各样的学习方式和年龄,并有一种使数学教学变得有趣的诀窍, as well as educational experience.
For fee and scheduling information, please contact Stu at sradin@fc-daudenzell.com or
by telephone/text at (860) 670-4848. For more information on Stu’s background, teaching/tutoring approach and teaching philosophies, please visit his website: www.stuartradinmathtutor.com.
AP®和大学先修课程®是美国大学理事会的注册商标. Used with permission.


995 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, religious creed, 性, 性ual orientation, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, admissions policies, scholarship and loan 项目, and athletic and other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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AP®和大学先修课程®是美国大学理事会的注册商标. Used with permission.